Quebec City w/ Exo Team

I had met the Exo guys when they stopped in Ottawa on their tour. Shot a few photos of them and apparently they were stoked on them because they asked me to take a trip to their city to shoot with the team for 5 days. Brandon DelBianco had just gotten on the team so we coordinated with when he could be in town and we all ended up meeting up. I was originally supposed to take the train, but I didn’t think they would take kindly to my two bags, adding up to over 130lbs. I quickly cancelled my ticket at 11pm the night before my departure with the plan to drive to Quebec City. The next morning I was out of the driveway by 8:30am. I arrived in Quebec City and went directly to Exo Shop to meet up with everyone and organize the day. When Yann got off work we skated around the city and he showed me some spots. 

This beast of a 5 stair has only been kickflipped.

 I got to town a day or two before Brandon, who was accompanied by Will Marshall and Jordan Moss.

The first night, I stayed with Yann Burner at his apartment downtown. I slept in his living room which was the closest room to the street. My window was the one to the left. It was left open all night so I was constantly woken up by cars and loud french pedestrians.

This was the view from inside, I woke up when the sun rose.

Theres this sick meet-up spot called “The Square” downtown. Its a big flat spot, with long 2 to 5 stairs and granite curbs everywhere. You can go there alone and meet up with homies, warm up skate some flat then hit up a spot. When I went there, Brown was trying a trick down the long 4. He ended up breaking his wrist and didn’t know for a couple days. 

Please read more, 4 days of more partying and skating. A couple more videos and a bunch more photos!

At the end of the first day we ended up partying at “El Corner”. Brews and blunts were in rotation and we all went to bed feeling pretty good.


Not such a wild day in the skating sense, I woke up had to move my car at 9am because you could no longer park for free. I paid for parking all day for two straight days. Meters too. All the skaters were working so I ventured around, hit up the square, missioned it to buy a towel so I could shower etc.  

However that night was the famous St. Jean Baptiste party. For us Canadians, the comparison for the amount of people flooding the streets of Quebec City would be 3 times that of Ottawa on Canada Day. Here is a video of some very inebriated sakte-talk, 

Unfortunately we got rained out bad, and walked 3 hours in the downpour trying to find a cab. We sprinted to a few with no luck, then finally we won an auction for a cab for 80 dollars back to my hotel. Mission accomplished. 


A day of recovery, then at 6 we headed to the Exo park to film for the Rainy Days video contest. I just hung out and started shooting photos on this handrail.

Jimmy, Front One over the Rail

Brandon DelBianco Switch Backlip


We met up at this awesome looking ledge spot, however the tops are curved in a conVEX shape (opposite to concave) which made locking in and pooping out somewhat difficult.

Live performance by the Lobster King at the end of the day.

Then we went to the bar, apparently…

The next morning we dragged ourselves to the Redbull manny mania contest out front of the Exo Shop. I was hassled into entering it.

Mohawk had the perfect hangover cure.

That night I ended up sleeping in my car. Thanks to Alex who hooked up my curtains and pillow!

Note to self: Windows up + sun = Car Oven

Had to finish this little job up before I left

What an amazing trip. So many hilarious memories, and one of the loosest trips to date. A trip back is definitely necessary.